Informations > AccomodationHere you can find a list of hotels, which are closely located to the conference venue. Please make your room reservation directly at the preffered hotel website. Accomodation on campus (Universität der Bundeswehr München) We provide a limited number of rooms for accomodation of students directly on campus. Interested students can apply for this option in the registration form. Hachinger Bach (***) 15 minutes walking distance to the conference venue
Reserve a room here
Rooms for HTPP participants are reserved until the 01.05.2016. Please indicate, that you are HTPP participant ,when making a reservation.
Golden Leaf (***) 20 minutes walking distance to the conference venue, bus connection (199 or 217) from Neuperlach Süd to Universitätstraße, Neubiberg (main entrance) availible
Reserve a room here
Mercure Hotel Muenchen Neuperlach Sued (****) 25 minutes walking distance to the conference venue, bus connection (199 or 217) from Neuperlach Süd to Universitätstraße, Neubiberg (main entrance) availible
Reserve a room here |