Call for papers

Key Dates, Deadlines

Registration opening:
Deadline for submission of abstracts:
Notification of acceptance/rejection:

February 1, 2016
April 22, 2016 (submission deadline extended)
April 29, 2016


Abstracts submission
We encourage all authors to submit short papers containing original contributions to High Technology and Plasma Processes. Only extended abstract submissions will be considered. Accepted submissions will be presented as poster presentations at the conference. Papers will be selected by the members of the Steering and the Scientific Committees in order to be published in the special issue of Journal of Physics D

Step 1 : abstract submission guidelines
Authors have to prepare an extended abstract (A4 page) of their presentation and submit it electronically through the conference website. Abstracts must be written in English and must not have been previously published. Contributors should also specify the Areas and application fields of their submission (see second page of the abstract template). Name and save your completed word document as follows: last name plus inicials.doc (eg, smithj.doc) for John Smith. If submitting more than one abstract then please name them using a numeral 1 then 2 use all lower case. 


Download the abstract template from here.


Step 2 : Submission, confirmation & acceptance of the abstracts

In order to submit a contribution please follow the following steps

  1. create a Sciencesconf account or log in to existing one (my space)
  2. you can submit a contribution here when you are logged in

Once you have submitted your details you will receive an email containing a confirmation. All abstracts will be reviewed for suitability by members of Committees which will take the final decisions on acceptance and on the mode of presentation.


Step 3 : selected papers submission guidelines
The authors who's paper was selected for submission in the special issue of Journal of Physics D should prepare their articles according to the guidelines. The papers can be submitted here.


Step 4: poster presentation :
Accepted abstracts must be presented by one of the authors in person, at the conference site, and according to the final schedule. Each presenting author should prepare max. two slides for the poster introduction session for a brief introduction of the work presented on the poster. The introduction will take place prior to each poster session. The poster should be prepared in the A0 portrait format (841 mm × 1189 mm).


Step 5 : submission to the Journal of Physics D
The selected papers will appear in the special issue of Journal of Physics D. All papers published in IOP Conference Series are fully citable and upon publication will be free to download in perpetuity.


If you have questions or queries regarding the abstract submission please contact us:

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