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The 14th High-Tech Plasma Processes Conference (HTPP 14) will be held at the Universität der Bundeswehr München (Germany) on 3rd–7th July 2016.



The High-Tech Plasma Processes Conference (HTPP) is a bi-annual international conference based in Europe with topics encompassing the whole area of plasma processing science. This conference is open to all the international community in the world involved in plasma science and plasma technology. The aim of the conference is to bring different scientific communities together, facilitate the contacts between science, technology and industry and provide a platform for the exploration of both fundamental topics and new applications of plasmas.

The HTPP 2016 will take place in Neubiberg a suburb of Munich, Germany, world-famous for the biggest party in the world, the “Oktoberfest”. While unfortunately the “Wiesn” will not take place during the conference, we will thrive to make this conference an unforgettable event for all participants by trying to include the city as much as we can. Included in the conference fee will be a dinner at the Blutenburg, a beautiful inner-city castle, an “unconventional” tour of the city and a “hopefully” good time at the famous Hofbräuhaus.


If you plan to stay in Munich before or after the conference you will be able to enjoy Bavaria with its scenic mountains, beautiful lakes and well-known tourist attractions like the Neuschwanstein castle.


As you may have suspected there will also some be science to talk about. We will try to cover numerous plasma applications, ranging from material science, to medicine and space propulsion. The structure of the conference will be as follows. In the morning we will have invited talks, (25 min + 5 min discussion), while in the afternoon a poster introduction session will take place, where each poster presenter has about 2 min to attract the audience to visit and discuss his/her research at the following poster session. We hope to be able to encourage exciting scientific disputes, networking and collaborations in this not-too-large conference.


 We are looking forward to seeing you in Munich!


Wir laden Sie herzlich zu der High-Tech Plasma Processes Konferenz nach Neubiberg bei München ein. Hier haben Sie die Möglichkeit wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten aus ihrem Anwendungsbereich der Plasmatechnik zu präsentieren. Sorgen Sie für spannende wissenschaftliche Diskussionen - wir sorgen für das echt bayerische Rahmenprogram!

Wir freuen uns Sie bei der HTPP 2016 begrüßen zu dürfen!


Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à la conférence High-Tech Plasma Processes (HTPP) à Neubiberg dans la banlieue de Munich. Ici vous aurez l’occasion de présenter vos travaux dans les différents domaines d'application des technologies plasma. Nous comptons sur vous pour des échanges scientfiques, pendant que nous nous chargeons du programme culturel à la bavaroiseю

Au plaisir de vous accueillir à HTPP 2016!



Siamo lieti di invitarvi alla High-Tech Plasma Conference che si terrà a Neubiberg, non lontano da Monaco di Baviera. Durante la conferenza ci sarà la possibilità di presentare lavori scientifici nel campo delle tecnologie del plasma e di partecipare ad interessanti dibattiti scientifici. Vi assicuriamo che l'intero programma sarà pervaso da un'autentica atmosfera bavarese!

Speriamo quindi di vedervi alla HTPP 2016!


Мы приглашаем Вас принять участие в международной конференции High-Tech Plasma Processes (HTPP), которая состоится в городе Нойбиберг, находящийся в 10 км от Мюнхена. В рамках конференции у Вас будет возможность представить Ваши разработки в области плазма-техники, поделиться опытом с коллегами, принять участие в научных дискуссиях и конечно же познакомиться с настоящей баварской культурой!

Мы рады приветствовать Вас на HTPP 2016!


High-Tech Plasma Processesの研究会へようこそ!

ミュンヘンの近くにあるノイビーバグでHTPP研究会 2016 を開催いたします。









The detailed directions to the conference venue and all the social events can be found here


The details for poster preparation can be found here (Step 4).


The registration is closed!


HTPP 14 is supported by








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